Wednesday, June 13, 2012

wall art

My first DIY project is one that I will be doing through out the summer. Just like every girl, I am addicted to Pinterest.

I found this cute idea that would be fabulous once I have my massive closet (some day)

The stores on Nantucket are all one of a kind. I love how creative store owners get with their names. I decided that I would cut my shopping bags from previous purchases and frame them so I can always keep a piece of the nantucket shopping in what will one day be my favorite room; my closet.

Here is where I found my inspiration

I always enjoy the time, design, and creativity that stores put into their shopping bags and now I can appreciate them.

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea!! I would love to do this as well, but first I need a lot more high end bags.
